Creative pathways project – Installing the finished work

Creative Pathways Project – Lost & Found public art walks

During the spring of 2017 it was my pleasure to lead a series of four public art walks into Sanquhar woods in my home town of Forres in North East Scotland.

During the walks we visited the site where I had previously extracted birch trees to make  the work, keep the wolf from the door. Whilst here, we each had time to become a little bit lost in the woods and to record our observations of both the internal and external world.

These observations were collected as a series of notes, which I then incorporated into some new site specific work to be installed in the summer.

This project was part of the Forres area creative place programme which is supported by Creative Scotland. The project was awarded a Project Arts award by Local arts organisation Findhorn Bay Arts. The creative pathways project was a partnership between myself and Forres Community woodlands trust.

Black Swan White Elephant- March 2017

Caroline Inckle

Black Swan White Elephant

4th March-25th March 2017

In life we work with what is available to create a myriad of possibilities. Sometimes it appears we are creating together in a seamless collaboration and at others, that each of us is creating alone, unique in our own private universe. Either way, it could be argued that choice is a key element in this game of creation. Choose a character, a direction of travel, the rules of your game, who you play with and who you don’t. For the duration of this exhibition I want to provide a space for us to explore this idea playfully together and apart, In the hope that we might have a chance to wonder how our lives and world might be different if we lived fully in the knowledge that this is our game, we make it.